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DOS Batch File
111 lines
echo off
echo ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
echo │ Directory with sort and generalized name matching │
echo │ By Prof. Timo Salmi, ts@chyde.uwasa.fi, 9-Jul-91 │
echo └───────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
rem If no parameters are given to the batch, then display help
if "%1"=="" goto _help
rem Check that a (ram)disk exists on r:
if not exist r:\nul goto _err1
rem Make the searchstring uppercase
set _tmp=%path%
path %1
set _upcase=%path%
path %_tmp%
rem Make a temporary directory
dir *.* > r:\d.tmp
rem Read the switches
set _n=
set _e=
set _s=
set _r=
if "%1"=="" goto _sort_1
if "%1"=="/n" set _n=yes
if "%1"=="/N" set _n=yes
if "%1"=="/e" set _e=yes
if "%1"=="/E" set _e=yes
if "%1"=="/s" set _s=yes
if "%1"=="/S" set _s=yes
if "%1"=="/r" set _r=/r
if "%1"=="/R" set _r=/r
goto _loop
rem The sorting routines
if "%_n%"=="yes" goto _sort_n
if "%_e%"=="yes" goto _sort_e
if "%_s%"=="yes" goto _sort_s
goto _display
sort %_r% < r:\d.tmp > r:\tmp$$$.$$$
copy r:\tmp$$$.$$$ r:\d.tmp > nul
del r:\tmp$$$.$$$
goto _sort_2
sort %_r% /+10 < r:\d.tmp > r:\tmp$$$.$$$
copy r:\tmp$$$.$$$ r:\d.tmp > nul
del r:\tmp$$$.$$$
goto _sort_3
sort %_r% /+14 < r:\d.tmp > r:\tmp$$$.$$$
copy r:\tmp$$$.$$$ r:\d.tmp > nul
del r:\tmp$$$.$$$
goto _sort_4
rem Find the entries containing the searchstring
find "%_upcase%" r:\d.tmp | more
goto _out
echo D is a DIR command enhancement. It uses a generalized searchstring which is
echo matched with the file name REGARDLESS of the location of the string within
echo the file name. Wildcards (* and ?) should not be used. They are implicit.
echo Usage: D SearchString [/n] [/e] [/s] [/r]
echo │ │ │ └─ Reverse the sort
echo │ │ └─ Sort by size
echo │ └─ Sort by extension
echo └─ Sort by name
echo Examples: D bat /s /r (all batch files sorted from biggest to smallest)
echo D - /n (to see the entire sorted directory (- or . or /) )
echo D j (all file names having a J in them, unsorted)
echo D /r (error in logic, no sort key has been defined)
echo If you get an "Out of environment space" message, increase your environment
echo space by using shell configuration in config.sys apply the following MsDos
echo 3.30 example: shell=c:\bin\command.com /e:1024 /p
goto _out
echo D.BAT assumes by default a (ram)disk in drive R. You do not have that
echo drive is available, and you should substitute r:\d.bat throughout the
echo batch as relevant for your own configuration. (Using a ramdisk is
echo advisable, because potential read-only problems are avoided.)
if exist r:\d.tmp del r:\d.tmp
set _tmp=
set _upcase=
set _n=
set _e=
set _s=
set _r=
echo on